Tuesday, April 28, 2009


There are some things that I can't handle and cooking is right there on the top

It's not just cooking alone...it's eating in general. I mean I can't see myself giving eating a priority over say...sleeping, working, watching movies, anything.
And it's terribly unfortunate that I got married to a family that thinks cooking and ensuring that everybody at home is fed is THE topmost priority. (Gosh, I've read that line and yeah it soooo feels like this IS the top priority right, what else can be?) No, I am not against that. What I mean is...say you have a flight to catch at 9.30 PM, having dinner at 6 PM doesn't fit in the scheme of things for me(doesn't matter that you haven't had your lunch, no that doesn't count!)

okay...I'll relive the scene:
Me and Shiva go home at 5.30, he has a flight to catch at 9.30
His akka's home and is busy cooking by the time we go home
Me:!!!what you've started cooking already?!!!
His mom - Shiva has to eat right?!!!
Me (to Shiva) - What, you'll have dinner and go??????!!!!!!!!!
His Mom - Then? What else will he eat???!!!!!!!

See, the exclamations and question marks summarize the disparity of though process that both of us have.

I know it is not like that, but the kind of inference that I (nobody else) draw from this episode is:
1. I am least bothered about Shiva having dinner before he leaves
2. Not caring at all, at least not as caring as his mom and sis and the rest of them are

And to top this, I didn't accompany Shiva to the airport. How can someone think of doing that????!!!!

No one's really said anything. These are all MY inferences. And what do I get out of all this...?
I am left hungry coz nobody bothered to ask me to eat, I felt too stupid to ask and eat.
I didn't go to the airport, but didn't work either and am busy typing this stupid rant..
and I am left feeling even more depressed than what I was about an hour back

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