Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Me, Myself, and Mine

This has been a relatively laid back Tuesday. Lesser work, a good lunch with friends outside, so why not finish the last Tuesday prompt in style and for a change early :)

1. If you had Rs.50,000 to just blow up (you have to spend it on YOURSELF. Giving to Charity or buying gifts for others not allowed), what would you spend it on and why?

We are at that stage in our life where we've made some major investments - house, interiors for the house, retirement plans from some life insurance company etc. So, with all the EMIs obviously the credit card is taking the heat. So, I'd seriously go and clear that "amount due" thing from my credit card. That would really give me a lot of peace of mind (who said they can't buy peace of mind, I can!!)

2. Name three of your closest friends (not family or spouse) and say why you love them.

I am that sort of a person who is very approachable and accomodating but I don't know why I haven't made a lot of "close friends". My closest friends have been what I've made in college and that was some 12 years back. They still are my bestest friends. Yeah we don't meet often, we don't call or write often but I know I can pick up the phone and blabber away.
So, Aps, Sammy and Putchu is what it's going to be. Together all four of us were called Fafo - Fabulous Four. And yeah we are fabulous together!!

3. Name three books which have profoundly affected you and which you would recommend to everyone to read.

Godfather - It was to me a typical masala movie watching experience which also gave me that peek into intimate/adult writing

Eric Segal - Love Story : That was a book that introduced me to the fact that even books can make you cry! After that there have been many instances where I've read a book and remained with the characters for a very long while.
Even till date when I finish a book/novel in the night, I just can't sleep. Does that happen to everybody?

Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini - That was one mind numbing experience. Taught me how much different someone else's life could be. Made me appreciate the fact of what I am and where we stay.

4. If you know for certain that you can never ever fail, what would you attempt to do?

I'd probably do my own thing (not sure what it is), probably start a franchise for young kids who need to read more, learn more than what is taught typically in their school.
It is not going to be a run-of-the-mill after school activities but something "different".
But I still need to clear my EMIs so needs to make a lot of business sense too!

5. What is THE ONE THING that you want very very badly?

That ability to spend quality time with both my parents and my kids.

Thanks Preeti for all the fanastic prompts. Now I really want to get enrolled in a creative writing course!
Most importantly continue to write and appreciate what others write.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Me and Tea?

Okay here we go again...
And I'm late...lost my spot#13 in the list that I had for the last 2 prompts.
But nevertheless..here we go

T - Time Management Guru. Nah! I am not that at all. But this is one thing that I would love to "grow" into. With 2 kids, a hectic work-life, weird clients, will it not be a great quality to have? I would love to be able to manage so many things and ensure that I don't have more than 2 "accepted" meetings at the same time :)

E - Energetic. Yes on all counts. I can't remember taking a sick leave for a very long time. You thinking that's called Healthy. No, it is energy. I love being there at the right place (actually all places, all the time) and "looking" energetic and lively even though I've had a loooong day already

A - Accessible. I am that person anyone can come and talk to. Family, Friends, People at work. I love being surrounded by people and am willing to listen to any thing any one has to say.

If that's not enough then...

C - Calm. I normally don't get agitated. Try and be that cool and composed person, at least build a very good facade. Work-wise all the times. Even at home and with people that matter, I am always considered that calm and composed person. But there are a very few people who've seen the "agitated", "doesn't know what to do", "walking time bomb" sort of a person that I really am. All I would say is that they are privileged :)

A - Adventurous. Gotcha! I am not that at all and oh how I love being one. I really admire people who are adventurous.
I am so very "normal" that I don't try going to a new place to eat, even if I go I try and eat the same stuff (not the one who experiements), travel the same road to work everyday, not very thrilled about trying anything new at all!

K - Kite-flyer. I am that person who dreams a lot, flies a lot of kites in the sky. Imagine doing this and that. I know I won't be able to do a lot of that but I still love the dreaming part. Who doesn't? :)

E - Endless gossip lover. I don't look like one and that's again something that I've cultivated i.e. not to look like someone who loves gossip. Nevertheless I am a big fan of gossip. For example, the only "knowledge" of sports that I have is what I gather from gossips. Real sports, what is that?

Thanks Preeti once again for this prompt. This is making people like me write :)

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Don't fret!

They were soul mates. Enjoyed life to its fullest, learnt a lot from each other, held each other's hands through the toughest times.
They enjoyed that gossip, sharing the life's dreams, talking about the future all that over a cup of garam chai.
Oh, those were the care-free days where everything was rosy, everything was exciting!
And then suddenly, the college life ended and they were thrown into the big bad world.

Life changed dramatically. They decided to choose their own paths.
She met someone else and they were like chalk and cheese. Nothing in common at all.While one was impulsive, the other one was meticulous.
Given the bond that she shared with her friend (in what looked like a previous life now), she still went ahead and told her friend about the new person in her life.
She wanted her soulmate to understand what this new person means to her now. But then that was not meant to be.

She confided in her new friend as to how bad it felt, how much she needed her friend's approval, how much she still valued her friend's approval. But the relationship is now strained.

She might have lost on one but now she has a new soulmate.

It's not the relationships that change (per se). It is the circumstances that change, the people that change.
Being scared of stains and strains in a relationship would deprive you of what is in store for you.
So, go for it - stain or no stain!

This is in context with Preeti's new prompt

Can a relationship be like a tea-stain? Why or why not?

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

And so here I am - all over again!

Okay...blame it on FB, blame it on whatever else you can pick up, I wanted to write but couldn't write :)
That said, I've still been diligently blog-hopping and happened to land of Preeti Shenoy's blog
Read through, liked it, bought her book (the second one - just yesterday and started reading in the car..so far, so good)

And to promote her latest book, she's started this thing called "prompt" for every Tuesday. Was quite interesting. Have let 2 of them pass and enjoyed reading what everyone had to say.
Also noticed that people have kind of formed a bond and Preeti's given all of them this platform..not sure if she's realised that!

So, now that the background is done, I'll get going..this week's prompt..

The prompt for today is a quote by Bernard-Paul Heroux.

There is no trouble so great or grave that cannot be much diminished by a nice cup of tea. ~Bernard-Paul Heroux

I have a lot of fond memories with tea and really lot of us share the same thing...that early morning chai on the road, that chai you shared with your friends in college, that evening chai in the college canteen that sucked but you still HAD to go for!

Off late, my fav tea time is the early morning cup.

Our day starts at a break-neck speed...there is a school bus to catch!

Wake up the kid

Insists that she doesn't want to get up

Try convincing her that it's important to get up and go to school - all the while struggling to stay awake!

Milk- check, Ironed Uniform - Check, School bag with books - check, Polished Shoes - check,Snacks box - check

And then that last minute rush to catch the school bus...!

Suddenly the atmosphere at home changes, it's almost zen-like!
That's the tea-time! A tea glass in hand (no, I am not a cup person!) with a newspaper, on the sofa - that's bliss!

Those 5 minutes of uninterrupted time is what gives the strength to tackle the day (however shitty it might look), brings that smile to the face (however bad the tea is!). Then just suddenly, the tea is over.. and it's back to the grind...

It's time to wake up kid 2!!!

Whoever said life was going to be easy, it is just one big roller coaster ride with 5 minute breathers in between. Thanks for being a great company!