Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Me, Myself, and Mine

This has been a relatively laid back Tuesday. Lesser work, a good lunch with friends outside, so why not finish the last Tuesday prompt in style and for a change early :)

1. If you had Rs.50,000 to just blow up (you have to spend it on YOURSELF. Giving to Charity or buying gifts for others not allowed), what would you spend it on and why?

We are at that stage in our life where we've made some major investments - house, interiors for the house, retirement plans from some life insurance company etc. So, with all the EMIs obviously the credit card is taking the heat. So, I'd seriously go and clear that "amount due" thing from my credit card. That would really give me a lot of peace of mind (who said they can't buy peace of mind, I can!!)

2. Name three of your closest friends (not family or spouse) and say why you love them.

I am that sort of a person who is very approachable and accomodating but I don't know why I haven't made a lot of "close friends". My closest friends have been what I've made in college and that was some 12 years back. They still are my bestest friends. Yeah we don't meet often, we don't call or write often but I know I can pick up the phone and blabber away.
So, Aps, Sammy and Putchu is what it's going to be. Together all four of us were called Fafo - Fabulous Four. And yeah we are fabulous together!!

3. Name three books which have profoundly affected you and which you would recommend to everyone to read.

Godfather - It was to me a typical masala movie watching experience which also gave me that peek into intimate/adult writing

Eric Segal - Love Story : That was a book that introduced me to the fact that even books can make you cry! After that there have been many instances where I've read a book and remained with the characters for a very long while.
Even till date when I finish a book/novel in the night, I just can't sleep. Does that happen to everybody?

Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini - That was one mind numbing experience. Taught me how much different someone else's life could be. Made me appreciate the fact of what I am and where we stay.

4. If you know for certain that you can never ever fail, what would you attempt to do?

I'd probably do my own thing (not sure what it is), probably start a franchise for young kids who need to read more, learn more than what is taught typically in their school.
It is not going to be a run-of-the-mill after school activities but something "different".
But I still need to clear my EMIs so needs to make a lot of business sense too!

5. What is THE ONE THING that you want very very badly?

That ability to spend quality time with both my parents and my kids.

Thanks Preeti for all the fanastic prompts. Now I really want to get enrolled in a creative writing course!
Most importantly continue to write and appreciate what others write.


  1. Here's one from the heart too :)
    Loved going through it and you've gained a new follower :)

  2. It was really nice knowing you through this post. :)
    I appreciate the idea of the franchise where kids could read and learn more! Plus about your question, if we are able to sleep if we read a novel at night. Yes! In fact, I mostly read at night, the scary ones included, even when I know it'll be hard to sleep. :P
    And I get the characters in the dreams :P
    I've wanted to read The Kite Runner. I guess now I'll finally pick it up. :)

    1. Was so nice of you to drop by. Kite Runner is one life-changing experience

  3. Loved the flow. Very well written. And 'Fafo' is so fab.
    Added Godfather to my list of to-read books on your suggestion. :)
