Thursday, June 22, 2006

Touching an all-time low....

June 8th:

Dhriti had high temperature and this fever resulted in what is medically called "Febrile Seizures"

Now I know what people mean when they say, I wouldnt wish this for the worst of my enemies. Yes, I really wouldn't want any parents to go through this trauma. It was quite a scare to see Dhriti...the pretty pretty one go so uncontrollable and then limp...God, that was one scary day.
By god's grace, she is fine now, doing good and we are also coping up with the fact that yes, that had to happen, but life will go on......
For all the parents out out when your kid is having fever...closely monitor them and ensure that you do padding with cold water and bring down the temperature soon...
And if against hope of hopes your child does have seizures try and stay calm...though it is very very very difficult.
This is common problem with all the toddlers and one in 25 children have this problem, its just scary and it is NOT AT ALL harmful.

1 comment:

  1. Name: "Kawthar"

    Home Page:

    Sorry to hear about Dhriti's ordeal.... It must be scary. Amin is also having warm body temperature on and off, especially in the middle of the night, but so far, no high fever. She's a grown up girl now, and smart too, like her mother :)
