Thursday, February 23, 2012

Me and Tea?

Okay here we go again...
And I'm late...lost my spot#13 in the list that I had for the last 2 prompts.
But we go

T - Time Management Guru. Nah! I am not that at all. But this is one thing that I would love to "grow" into. With 2 kids, a hectic work-life, weird clients, will it not be a great quality to have? I would love to be able to manage so many things and ensure that I don't have more than 2 "accepted" meetings at the same time :)

E - Energetic. Yes on all counts. I can't remember taking a sick leave for a very long time. You thinking that's called Healthy. No, it is energy. I love being there at the right place (actually all places, all the time) and "looking" energetic and lively even though I've had a loooong day already

A - Accessible. I am that person anyone can come and talk to. Family, Friends, People at work. I love being surrounded by people and am willing to listen to any thing any one has to say.

If that's not enough then...

C - Calm. I normally don't get agitated. Try and be that cool and composed person, at least build a very good facade. Work-wise all the times. Even at home and with people that matter, I am always considered that calm and composed person. But there are a very few people who've seen the "agitated", "doesn't know what to do", "walking time bomb" sort of a person that I really am. All I would say is that they are privileged :)

A - Adventurous. Gotcha! I am not that at all and oh how I love being one. I really admire people who are adventurous.
I am so very "normal" that I don't try going to a new place to eat, even if I go I try and eat the same stuff (not the one who experiements), travel the same road to work everyday, not very thrilled about trying anything new at all!

K - Kite-flyer. I am that person who dreams a lot, flies a lot of kites in the sky. Imagine doing this and that. I know I won't be able to do a lot of that but I still love the dreaming part. Who doesn't? :)

E - Endless gossip lover. I don't look like one and that's again something that I've cultivated i.e. not to look like someone who loves gossip. Nevertheless I am a big fan of gossip. For example, the only "knowledge" of sports that I have is what I gather from gossips. Real sports, what is that?

Thanks Preeti once again for this prompt. This is making people like me write :)


  1. Hey that was very nicely written...Glad to know you :)

    1. Hey thanks! Was some food for thought - this prompt :)

  2. That's nicely written description about you :)
    Especially loved reading "walking time bomb" phrase!

    1. Thanks for dropping by Umesh and glad you liked it :)
